Friday, February 14, 2014

Catching up.

Hey Dad,

A lot has happened since I last wrote!

It's funny to be reminded that Chicago was having an unseasonably warm fall just before the polar vortex brought us to a halt.  I thought I wanted to hibernate before!  I realize that temps in the 50s are rough on Floridians, but I'm seriously reconsidering living in a place where the air hurts my face.  You might have been onto something when you moved down there.  I'm sure you don't miss digging out parking spaces, but I have to say you're missing out on some seriously amusing dibs activity!
These folks are classing it up!

The Affordable Care Act went live despite the government shut down.  Unfortunately, there have been problems with the insurance marketplace website launch and a lot of folks are confused about what coverage is available to them.  I've been sitting back and watching the political drama unfold and I'm discouraged to hear folks I know personally having difficulty affording health insurance even with subsidies.  I am not convinced that health insurance reform is what we need.  Time will tell whether this actually helps folks.  I'm worried about what will happen with patient assistance programs from pharmaceutical companies since they typically only help the uninsured to afford medications.  The least expensive health insurance for folks above the medicaid cut-offs almost certainly won't give them enough coverage for their drugs and/or will have too-high deductibles.

Speaking of diabetes drugs, I'm worried about you.

It's been a rough several months for you with the shoulder surgery and now more kidney problems.  I know you hate being inactive and that has created some challenges with managingyour blood sugar.  We’ve talked about this before, but it bears repeating that you really do need to take it easy because diabetes can make the healing process take longer and having an injury or illness can make it even more difficult to control your blood sugar.  A lot of stuff can come up for people withdiabetes who are also recovering from a surgery.
Your most recent news, though, is the most troubling.  I am so sad to hear that you have new kidney stones.  I know you’ve been happiest eating a low-carb diet, but the high protein diet is really causing somedamage.  I’m glad that you went to the dietician to get some advice about how to eat a low-protein diet while managingtype 2 diabetes.  I hope that you are able to keep it under control with diet, but please reconsider taking medications if the doctor thinks you need them.

In the mean time, I’m looking into some food resources for you.  I know you are not a fan of most vegetables and you aren’t all that keen on expanding your palette, but maybe there are some ways to make it easier to try new foods so you aren’t stuck eating the same bowl of lettuce every day.



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