Monday, February 4, 2013

Fear of the known

Hey Dad,

I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick again.  It's weird for all of us that you're not running around like a crazy man since it's not like you to sit still.  I can only imagine how hard it is for you.  Thank you for talking to me about what's going on because I think I can help, if you'll let me.

I was thinking about our last visit and I get why you've been down.  You've been one of the most able bodied people I've known, always working or tinkering with something.  Lately, though, you haven't had the energy you need and your kidneys aren't doing so great.  I wish you'd slow down, but I understand that that's just not your way.  Even if you wanted to, your job won't really let you and it's not like losing that job--and your insurance--would help.  I get that and I wish it were different.  No matter what, you are still one of my heroes.

When mom called to let me know you were in the hospital again and that your A1C test came back so high, I thought about Uncle J and I was pretty sure he was on your mind, too.  I can't believe it's been almost a year since he passed.  Even though your brother had a long, devastating fight through just about every catastrophic complication that can come from diabetes, that doesn't mean that it will happen to you.  You know how important it is to bring your A1C down and to keep your blood glucose levels from fluctuating too wildly throughout the day, so I won't belabor the point.

I am worried, however, that you are going to be too hard on yourself and burn out quickly.  I know you're not new to diabetes, but it's been years since you last actively managed it and I'm going to dig up some resources to make it easier for you.  Let me know if I'm pushing too hard since that's the last thing I want to do.



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